Mommy Makeover Surgery

Motherhood is a graceful experience and every woman would like to have it. But it leaves behind some unwanted effects on maternal physic. Physical effects  of pregnancy includes abnormal residual fat deposits in different body areas, multiple wrinkled & striated skin on tummy, enlarged or sagging breasts and excessively stretched-lax female genital organs.

Mommy make over surgeries correct these disfiguring effects on your body & enhance your appearance. Each mommy make over should be personalized depending upon your personal desire and physic.

This group of surgeries involves one or more surgery among:

  • Body Contouring Surgeries (Liposuction of different body areas/ Lipoabdominoplasty)
  • Breast reduction
  • Breast lift
  • Breast augmentation
  • Genital Rejuvenation Surgeries – Vaginoplasty / Labiaplasty

To know best suitable procedures to enhance your look after pregnancy/maternity, consult our cosmetic surgeon.