
As the nose is central aesthetic feature of face, it has got enormous aesthetic importance on face. Appearance of nose is very important in beauty of face. Unlike surgeries on eyelid and face lift, which involves removal of wrinkles and folds, nose surgery involves complex interplay of tissues. Nose is a functional as well as cosmetic entity & both are connected. So, we also address any breathing problems if associated with abnormal shape / size of nose.

It is probably most popular Face cosmetic surgery enjoyed.

Nose is made up of two components:

  • Support – Bone in upper part (hard) & cartilage in lower part ( soft to firm)
  • Cover – overlying skin & soft tissues

Different parts of nose include:

  • Radix / Root- Upper most & deeper most point of nose,
  • Tip- Lowermost & most projectile part of nose just above nostrils (Air passages)
  • Dorsum / Bridge- Elevated part of nose from Radix / Root extending down to tip
  • Base- Lower and wider most part of nose
  • Septum- Central partition between two nostrils (Air passages)

Broadly speaking, large nose can be made smaller, small nose can be made larger, bent or deviated nose can be made straighter by Rhinoplasty surgery.

Breaking / reducing large nose: Sometimes nose may be noticeably larger in size. To make such nose more attractive, it should be lowered and narrowed. This is also called Reduction Rhinoplasty. Generally speaking, small, cute and well shaped nose looks beautiful than large nose.

Building / augmenting small nose: Sometimes nasal bridge is too low or narrow that nose looks under projecting and gives face a flat look. Such nose can be enlarged by modifying the shape of cartilage or adding some cartilage/ soft tissue to it. Another way to augment such nose is with silicone implant, which is being carved as per requirement of individual nose.

Hump Reduction: It is very common to have a bump like elevation near mid part of dorsum of nose. It looks like blemish on top of otherwise beautiful nose. It needs to be lowered to make dorsum of nose straight and achieve beautiful nose.

Reducing wide tip: Wide tip of nose may be because of excess wide cartilage &/or because of thick skin & soft tissue portion. Such wide tip can be made narrow & well defined to make the nose more beautiful. Wide upper part of nose is because of wide nasal bones. They are broken from its place & moved inward to narrow them.

Deviated / crooked nose: Instead of being centralized and straight, some nose is deviated to one side. Nasal bones with or without septum (central partition of nasal cavity) and nasal tip are deviated in such cases. In such cases, deviated nose is made straight & well centered.

Reduction / Narrowing of alar base: Very wide Alar base (wide nostrils) can be narrowed to make nose symmetric & beautiful. Narrowing of this part needs to put incisions on external side of nose (sometimes it leads to unacceptable scarring). So, I avoid narrowing of alar base unless there is no alternate maneuver for correction.


NON-SURGICAL RHINOPLASTY is a permanent nose job technique, also known as injection rhinoplasty it just takes 15 minutes because of that it’s also called as 15-minutes nose job. It is just what it sounds like, a permanent, minimally invasive, non-surgical nose reshaping procedure.


  • Asymmetrical nostrils
  • Broken nose or imperfections
  • Concealing nasal lump
  • Twisted or asymmetrical noses
  • People who want to opt for their first surgical nose job
  • Those who want to repair a failed surgical nose job
  • Nose tip refinement or lifting
  • Bridge augmentation
  • Dips, and divots outside the nose

Injection rhinoplasty can’t make your nose smaller or bigger according to your need and it can improve conditions inside your nose.


In our experience, non-surgical rhinoplasty technique has had a near perfect record of success and patient satisfaction. It is free from side effects.

Our practice reviews about rhinoplasty have been extraordinary.


In non-surgical rhinoplasty technique, we deliver tiny micro-droplets of filler, just under the nasal skin only in the places where your nose needs attention. Your body automatically reacts and surrounds the filler with an invisible microscopic wall of natural tissue which makes the permanent improvement.

A 27 or even 30-gauge needle, one of the finest known at .01025 of an inch, about the thickness of six human hairs, delivers the liquid from a specialized injection syringe graduated in 1/100ths of a CC (5 ccs per teaspoon).

To assure patient comfort, a prescription anesthetic ointment is applied to the skin prior to the procedure.


In non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure after the injection, you are back into the world. No swelling. No bruising. No recovery time. You are just good to go anywhere.